Why game like a normie, when you can game HARDCORE? So, let’s talk about some hardcore challenges that people create in their favourite games.
How to Tell if Something is Written by AI
AI tools have taken the world by storm. But will they soon replace us all? Well, here is how you can tell if something is written by AI.
The Best Fishing Mini-Games
A good fishing mini-game can really make or break the overall enjoyment of a game. So, let’s dive into what makes a good fishing game!
Why does World of Warcraft still sit on the Frozen Throne?
World of Warcraft has been the king of MMORPGs ever since its release, despite others trying to claim the throne. So, lets explore why!
Why Music is so Important to Games
Why do you love the music from your favourite video games? Our new writer Damo dives into why music is so important to games.