A good fishing mini-game can really make or break the overall enjoyment of a game. So, let’s dive into what makes a good fishing game!
Overclocking Tips!
In this guide, we’ll detail tips for overclocking and getting themost out of your hardware safely. Here are some tips for overclocking!
Tips and tricks for Rimworld
This series is where I share tips and tricks for games that really don’t hold your hand. So, this is my list of tips and tricks for Rimworld.
Why does World of Warcraft still sit on the Frozen Throne?
World of Warcraft has been the king of MMORPGs ever since its release, despite others trying to claim the throne. So, lets explore why!
Busting PSU Myths! – PC Tech Mythbusters
There is a LOT of misinformation out there for people trying to get into PC building. So, lets bust some common myths about PSUs!
Best Boss Battles – My Top 5
I don’t love boss battles, but some I can tolerate. So, here are favourite boss battles and why they don’t suck as much as the others.
The Definitive List of the Tools you need to Build a PC
There’s nothing worse than having to mad dash down to the hardware store mid-build. So, here is a list of the tools you need to build a PC.
Is Overwatch dead?
The hero shooter has been through some rough patches recently. But, was the release of Overwatch 2 enough to save it, or is Overwatch dead?
Why Music is so Important to Games
Why do you love the music from your favourite video games? Our new writer Damo dives into why music is so important to games.
Why American McGee’s Alice is a game everyone should play
We’re back on the nostalgia train! This time, we’re talking about the game that started it all for me, American McGee’s Alice.