I am currently in a bit of a comfort game stage. So, to get out of it here are 5 games I WANT to play, but for some reason have not.
How to Install your RGB Products
Sometimes setting up your RGB can be a little tricky, so let’s clear that up for you today. Here is how to install your RGB products!
Must have Dragon Age Origin mods
Dragon Age: Origins. In my opinion, one of the best RPGs ever! So, here are 11 must have Dragon Age Origin mods to make it even better!
So, Your PC won’t boot up… now what?
There’s nothing worse than putting your PC together, only for it not to work. So, here are some options for what to do if your PC won’t boot.
Favourite LGBTQI+ Video Games
Happy Pride month! To celebrate here’s a list some of my personal favourite LGBTQI+ video games to check out for some awesome representation!
5 Ways to make your PC games run smoother
There are few things worse than games stuttering. So here are 5 Ways to make your PC games run smoother, and hopefully leave lag in the dust.
Must Have Stardew Valley Mods
One of the most popular Indie games of the last five years, without a doubt Stardew Valley. So, here are 10 Must have Mods to spice up your Stardew Valley.
PC Building Hacks You need to know
I have got quite the list of pro building tips that I wish I knew earlier on in my building journey. So here are 7 PC Building Hacks for you
The Battle Royale Deep Dive
The Battle Royale is a very popular genre. But where did they come from, and what will be their future? This is the Battle Royale Deep Dive.
How to install your Storage Drives
Storage is an important part of your PC, but many people don’t even know how to install storage drives! So, this post breaks it down for you!