So, you want to upgrade your storage drives. But what would be the best upgrade choice for you? Well, let’s explore the options!
Air cooling or All-in-one cooling?
Should you use air cooling or all-in-one cooling? Well, lets look at the pros and cons of each, to help you decide which one to use!
An Ode to Teletext
Teletext made a big impact in the world, until quietly fading from existence. So, this is my ode to Telext, what it was and why it was cool!
How to Tell if Something is Written by AI
AI tools have taken the world by storm. But will they soon replace us all? Well, here is how you can tell if something is written by AI.
How to Make your PC Quieter
Does your PC’s sound level rival a jet engine when you boot up your favourite game? Well here are some tips to help make your PC run quieter.
What’s the deal with Vtubers?
Recently Vtubers are exploding in popularity. So what’s the deal with Vtubers and why would someone choose to be one? Let’s discuss!
Overclocking Tips!
In this guide, we’ll detail tips for overclocking and getting themost out of your hardware safely. Here are some tips for overclocking!
Busting PSU Myths! – PC Tech Mythbusters
There is a LOT of misinformation out there for people trying to get into PC building. So, lets bust some common myths about PSUs!
The Definitive List of the Tools you need to Build a PC
There’s nothing worse than having to mad dash down to the hardware store mid-build. So, here is a list of the tools you need to build a PC.
How to Install your Storage Drives!
Installing drives can be confusing for a first-time builder, or even someone looking to upgrade. This is how to install your storage drives!