It’s the holiday season again, so I figured why not make a list of some of my Favourite Festive Games to play this time of year! All these games are Christmas themed specifically, as that’s what I celebrate, however if there are any other Festive Games you would like to offer, feel free to comment them below! All Holidays are welcome here!
The Sims 4: Seasons

This isn’t so much of a festive game itself, but a pack for a game. The Sims 4: Seasons version of Christmas, “Winter Fest” features tons of awesome decorations such as trees, Christmas lights, wreaths and more. And they even have their own version of Santa, called Father Winter, who will give your Sim presents! The best thing about the way The Sims 4 handles the holiday season though, is you can create any holiday you want. So, if you don’t want to celebrate their version of Christmas, there are tons of customizing options that will allow you to make whichever holiday you like. The amount of inclusivity in this pack really helps sell the holiday spirit, and there is even some in game items from different holidays that can help this even further! Friendly reminder though, you need to purchase the BASE Sims 4 game before getting this add on pack, as it won’t work on it’s own.
Dead Rising 4

Christmas and Zombies. Seems like a strange combination on paper, but this game puts them together anyway! As the fourth installment in the Dead Rising series, you’re back smacking and shooting and taking out Zombies, but this time with a Christmas themed background. The game plays much like previous Dead Rising games, fighting off swarms of Zombies in order to complete objectives. While the Christmas background is somewhat inconsequential to the game, it strikes me as being similar to how Die Hard is still considered a Christmas movie. It’s a fun, action packed time, while Christmas just happens to be occurring in the background. And it somehow works wonderfully.
Batman: Arkham Origins

Another game in the category of Christmas games that aren’t quite Christmas games, is Batman: Arkham Origins. This game is set on Christmas Eve years before the previous games. This means Batman is a vigilante still, and hunted by the Gotham police and Commissioner Gordon throughout the game. While the game merely uses Christmas Eve as a background, the snow coating Gotham creates a lovely winter wonderland. And all the while, you punch and kick bad guys, and save the day. After this game, Batman is for sure in the running for the second busiest man on Christmas Eve.
Viscera Cleanup – Santa’s Rampage

If you are wanting a bit more of a game to zone out with this festive season, perhaps a cleaning simulator will do the trick? Viscera Cleanup is a game that will satisfy your zone out requirements, all the while keeping you in a festive spirit. In true Viscera Cleanup style, you are once again a janitor, and have come in to clean up the aftermath of some sort of battle. However this time, the battle was up in the North Pole! It seems Santa felt a little bit ‘murder-y’ and now you must clean everything up in his workshop, including dead elves, whiskey bottles and a whole lot of other gruesome remnants. It’s not the most wholesome holiday themed game, but Santa’s workshop does end up looking quite cute and festive… once you’ve mopped up all the blood that is.
Jazz Jackrabbit – Holiday Hare

Finishing off the list with a throw back game, Jazz Jackrabbit – Holiday Hare. As well as the first few levels of this game being incredibly nostalgic for me, the add on Holiday Hare, holds a special place in my heart too. The add on came with 3 new levels, all of which taking place in a wintery wonderland. But the real star of this Christmas add on, is the music! In lieu of the iconic beats of the base Jazz Jackrabbit game, are the equally iconic, Christmas Remixes! These songs are 100% guaranteed to get stuck in your head even more so than normal Christmas songs! If you’re wanting a more wholesome game to cleanse your pallet after something like Viscera, then this is a great throwback choice!
So, those were my 5 Favourite Festive Games! Share yours down below! And Happy Holidays everybody!
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